Everything you need to know about baby's poo
Day after day, month after month, your baby is changing and growing. And so is their digestion! Because what is happening with their bowels is a very good indicator of their health, let’s get to know baby’s digestion!
The very first poo: meconium
Meconium is the name given to your baby’s very first stool. It is formed at the end of your pregnancy and will be passed by your baby in the first days following their birth. What does it look like? It is very dark and sticky, a sign that your baby’s intestines are working as they should be1.
The poo of an exclusively breastfed baby
Your breast milk is the best food for your baby, and exclusive breastfeeding – so without giving your baby anything else, not even water – is the best thing for them until you start to diversify their diet from the age of 6 months.
With breastfeeding, their poo is yellow, or sometimes slightly greenish, and looks a bit lumpy. This is perfectly normal!
The poo of a bottle-fed baby
If you do not breastfeed your baby, they are bottle-fed. Their poo will depend on the infant milk you give them. Baby’s poo is browner than with exclusive breastfeeding and has a stronger smell. The appearance of their poo changes if you change the type of milk.
You should be worried if baby’s poo is…
White: this is very rare and is known as “acholic stools”. The phenomenon occurs in baby’s first few weeks and you should take them to a doctor straight away.1
Diarrhoea: if your baby has diarrhoea (liquid, frequent poo), there is only one thing to do and that is to take them to the hospital or your nearest doctor. In any case, keep an eye on baby’s poo as it is an indicator of their health: welcome to the glamorous world of motherhood!
1 Son petit ventre, décryptage des selles de 0 à 6 mois, by Dr Pascale Roy, Dr Olivier Mouterde and Dr Alain Bocquet, 09/07/19, mpedia