Nausea, fatigue: tips to tackle the annoyances of early pregnancy

Nausea and fatigue are often the two things that can’t be avoided in early pregnancy. Are these first trimester problems making your life difficult? The good news is that it is possible to alleviate them, and here’s how.

“Morning” sickness: from queasiness to severe nausea

One of the first signs that you are pregnant is not the most glamorous. Indeed, what is termed “morning sickness” covers a wide range of unpleasant feelings ranging from aversion to an irrepressible urge to vomit.

You used to like a certain smell but now, overnight, you can no longer bear it: it’s common in pregnant women1 and it’s very unpleasant.

As soon as you wake up, your stomach turns: welcome to morning sickness!

This sickness can also be felt at any time of the day and, to alleviate it, you are recommended to… eat!

But not any old how: munching something you fancy, perhaps something sweet, when you wake up but before you get up is a proven tip.

Anti-nausea and anti-fatigue foods: kill two birds with one stone!

The early stages of pregnancy are very tiring: your body is under a lot of stress, which tires you out and, if you have morning sickness, this makes you even more tired.

Sleeping at least 7 hours a night and having a little nap during the day are good ways to combat your tiredness. But making sure you also eat a good diet is also very effective.

For nausea, eating little and often throughout the day is effective: 3 meals and 2 snacks2 is ideal. And as for foods that have everything covered, try ginger (to munch on, as an infusion... however you like!), lemon (added to water, in quarters, etc.) and foods that you fancy.

Don’t worry: this unpleasantness will pass. You’ll soon be feeling much better!

1Béatrice Knoepfler, with the participation of Dr Jean-Philippe Bault, Le calendrier de votre grossesse, Eyrolles.

2Laurence Pernoud and Agnès Grison, J’attends un enfant, éditions Pierre Horey


Breast milk is the ideal food for infants. WHO recommends breastfeeding exclusively for the first 6 months and then continuation thereof until the age of 2 alongside the introduction, from 6 months, of safe and appropriate complementary foods. Please consult a healthcare professional if you need any advice about feeding your baby.