3rd month of pregnancy: your baby is growing, and so is your bump

Good news: you’re going to start feeling better and better! The tiredness and morning sickness are fading, while your unborn child is developing beyond belief. At the end of the 3rd month, their face is fully formed and they can even bend their fingers!

On the ultrasound, you’re going to discover the magnificent profile of your unborn child

The miracle of pregnancy is particularly visible during this 3rd month. Your unborn child can be measured not only from their head to their coccyx, but also to their heels! Their limbs are getting longer and are significantly more developed.

They will soon be able to bend their fingers.

Medically speaking, they no longer talk about an embryo but a foetus1, but for you, it’s just your baby! Throughout this 3rd month, your baby will grow and gain weight: around 10 grams1 at the beginning, they will weigh around 65 grams1 by the end of this month, which also marks the first trimester of your pregnancy.

In terms of size, there is a real growth spurt: just 5.5 cm1 at the beginning of this month, they now measure around 12 cm1 from their head to their heels.

Mum to be is starting to feel better

Now that your unborn child is able to open and close their eyes – now they have eyelids – and their mouth, the 3rd month of pregnancy gradually brings with it the end of the first trimester problems2. Your uterus, by now stretching upwards, pushes less and less on your bladder, and you no longer feel like you need to pee every 5 minutes! The morning sickness that plagued you is starting to ebb away for good. Right at the end of this trimester, it should be no more than a distant memory.

In terms of tiredness, you’ll start feeling better and better. You’ll get into your own rhythm, wonderful moments await over the next few months of your pregnancy… and your baby bump shows you that you are a magnificent pregnant woman!

1Béatrice Knoepfler, with the participation of Dr Jean-Philippe Bault, Le calendrier de votre grossesse, Eyrolles.

2Laurence Pernoud and Agnès Grison, J’attends un enfant, éditions Pierre Horey


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Breast milk is the ideal food for infants. WHO recommends breastfeeding exclusively for the first 6 months and then continuation thereof until the age of 2 alongside the introduction, from 6 months, of safe and appropriate complementary foods. Please consult a healthcare professional if you need any advice about feeding your baby.