2nd month of pregnancy: feeling the first signs!

Here you are in the 2nd month of pregnancy and you are starting to feel the first signs… and they are not particularly pleasant! Your unborn child will experience an incredible growth spurt: the miracle of life is in action!

Tiredness, nausea: there’s no doubt about it, you know you’re pregnant!

At the beginning of this 2nd month of your pregnancy, your body has got a lot to say: you are probably more tired than usual. This is normal: your hormones are at work, and your body is very busy doing everything it needs to for your unborn child to develop. It’s exhausting! It is very important for you to get as much rest as possible. First of all by getting 8 hours of sleep a night, and by taking a little nap if you can.

On top of that, you may often feel sick: welcome to morning sickness1. It often appears in the morning, even before you get up. Or perhaps certain smells, which until now never bothered you, make you feel queasy.

Nausea affects a large majority of pregnant women, but luckily there are ways to alleviate it.

De 5 mm au début du deuxième mois, votre embryon va passer à 3 cm à la fin !

At the beginning of this 2nd month, your baby looks like a little bean. But their eyes and ears are already in place, while their budding arms and legs continue to develop.

Little by little, their spine is forming, even their skin is starting to be made! At the end of this 2nd month, they will have a large head with a little nose already starting to poke out, and their little body settles into your uterus, which is getting bigger and bigger.

At the beginning of your pregnancy, your uterus was the size of an almond. At the end of your 2nd month, it is now the size of an orange.

And baby’s heart has already divided into two parts… and is beating at a rate of 80 beats per minute!2

In terms of weight, your unborn child, still at the embryo stage, weighs around 3 grams by the end of this second month2.

1Laurence Pernoud and Agnès Grison, J’attends un enfant, éditions Pierre Horey

2Béatrice Knoepfler, with the participation of Dr Jean-Philippe Bault, Le calendrier de votre grossesse, Eyrolles.


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Breast milk is the ideal food for infants. WHO recommends breastfeeding exclusively for the first 6 months and then continuation thereof until the age of 2 alongside the introduction, from 6 months, of safe and appropriate complementary foods. Please consult a healthcare professional if you need any advice about feeding your baby.